Cyber Security: Want to build your career in cyber security?
The Indian School of Ethical Hacking offers diplomas and PG diplomas in cyber security and digital forensics. Earlier, such courses were not offered in any college in North Bengal.
Currently, there is a high demand for students who know about ethical hacking, cyber security, and digital forensics in the whole country. There are many opportunities in the workplace as well. So you can do this course to become a cyber security expert. Earlier, such courses were not offered in any college in North Bengal. However, this time, the Indian School of Ethical Hacking has brought the opportunity of a diploma and a PG diploma in cyber security and digital forensics. These two courses, accredited by the University of North Bengal along with the Indian School of Ethical Hacking, are going to be launched at Mynaguri College.
Aspirants can apply for these two new courses starting in January 2024. Students or employees from any department can apply for both of these courses. These two courses are going to start with a total of 60 seats. These two courses are going to be started at Mynaguri College as a joint effort of the University of North Bengal, Mynaguri College, and the Indian School of Ethical Hacking. However, the class will be held in the branch of this organisation adjacent to Bagha Jatin Field in Siliguri. Classes will last from six months to one year. In a press conference, the college authorities and company officials were informed about the two courses.
In today’s press conference, the principal of Mainaguri College, Dr. Devkumar Mukhopadhyay, said, “This is a golden opportunity for those who want to build a future on these issues. These new courses will open multiple avenues for them in terms of employment.” Dr. Debashis Duttar said the same.
On the other hand, Sandeep Sengupta from the Indian School of Ethical Hacking said, “Since students can also take these courses as well as working people, the class timings will be kept at their convenience. Many people in North Bengal want to build their future on these subjects; it is for them that we bring these courses.”
Note that cyber security experts can build careers very quickly in addition to their ability to get jobs. They explore various options to find the position of their choice. The range of work in this case is wide. So they can choose anyone for personal and professional development, enhance skills, and expand their personal scope.